
保健品蛋白質-HealthSmart Foods, Inc., ChocoRite蛋白質餅乾和奶油14.7盎司(418克)

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髮旺旺如果你還在考慮HealthSmart Foods, Inc., ChocoRite蛋白質,餅乾和奶油,14.7盎司(418克)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~

  • Just Add Water!
  • Zero Glycemic Impact Sweeteners
  • 150 Calories
  • 5 g Fiber
  • 3 g Trucarbs
  • 24 g Protein
  • Sugar Free
  • Gluten Free
Great for all diets including Weight Watchers, South Beach and Atkins!

ChocoRite Protein Shake Mix is a premium easy-mixing shake mix designed to help serious dieters lose weight fast. ChocoRite Protein Shakes provide a high 24 grams of the highest quality protein (Whey Protein Isolate - 90% pure) in every shake. It helps flush the fat out through the inclusion of 5 grams of quality fiber. ChocoRite's fat source is superior as well. It is comprised of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), which new science has shown to increase energy and actually burn fat. These fat calories burn as fuel instead of being stored as fat as other fat sources tend to do.

ChocoRite Protein Shake Mix also contains a superior natural prebiotic fiber called Isomalto-Oligosacch髮旺旺aride (IMO). IMO feeds the good bacteria in the stomach small intestine and colon. Because it metabolizes to Short Chain Fatty Acids, it digests much slower eliminating the gas and discomfort associated with other fiber sources. Other benefits include:

  • Improves mineral absorption
  • Promotes a healthy digestive system
  • Increases the level of goof bacteria
  • Strengthens the immune system
TruCarbs are only those carbohydrates that have a notable impact on blood sugar levels. Maltitol and other sugar replacers that have a significant Glycemic Impact are not to be subtracted to determine TruCarbs; Glycerin, Erythritol and Fiber can be.

HealthSmart Foods, Inc., ChocoRite蛋白質,餅乾和奶油,14.7盎司(418克)








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